The Always Up-to-Date Guide to Building a Hackintosh.How to install OS X 10.9 Mavericks DP1 on your PC with myHack | MacBreaker.10.9 Mavericks Simple Vanilla Hackintosh Install Guide.Covers all OS X versions since 10.7 to the latest betas and DPs, Fusion Drive, system optimizing and much more.

Contains installation assistant software that easily makes a USB installation disk based on Clover EFI boot loader. Vanilla Kernel Hackintosh Full Tutorial Brand new tutorial.Fusion Drive setup, system optimizing and much more. Covers all OS X versions since 10.7 to the latest release. Vanilla Kernel Hackintosh Full Tutorial Installation assistant qlover note now out of beta.Fusion Drive setup tutorial, system optimising, various trouble shooting and much more. EFI and installation assistant tool qlover note. Download the new EFI partition manager Mt. Plain App Store Installer Hackintosh Full Tutorial Covers all OS X versions since 10.7 to the latest release.See also installation guides from InsanelyMac sub-forums here. InsanelyMac Installation Guide sub-forums If you are using Linux, enter the following in a terminal: You can check for SSE2 support from Windows with a program called CPU-Z. Make sure to check which version of OSx86 you need for your processor. It is recommended that your computer supports SSE3 for application compatibility, speed and performance. Most current (2011) CPUs support SSE2 and SSE3, so you may want to skip the next paragraph. If you want to install OSX on your Intel or AMD computer, your computer processor needs to support at least SSE2.

43 Native Hardware (after installation).2 InsanelyMac Installation Guide sub-forums.If you encounter any issues, please contact our Helpdesk at of Information Technology More detailed laptop requirements can be found in our student guide. In general most laptops that are less than 4 years old will run the VDI client without an issue. VDI requires a modern laptop, PC, or tablet. Follow these linked instructions to log in to VDI with 2-Step Verification (2SV).The first time you launch the VMWare Horizon Client, you may see a security popup asking if you want to open the file.When the VMWare Horizon Client window appears, drag the “VMWare Horizon Client icon to the Applications folder.Click “Agree” in the user license agreement window that appears.Double click on the VMware Horizon Client.dmg file to begin the install.Mac OS versions older than 10.14 are not supported. For macOS 10.14, you’ll need to download a different version from here. Download the VMWare Horizon Client installer For macOS 10.15 (Catalina), 11 (Big Sur) and 12 (Monterey) by clicking here.Please follow the below instructions to install the VMWare Horizon Client for Mac.